Foot Scrub




Exfoliate dead and damaged skin for smooth, supple and refreshed skin with spirulina rich Foot Scrub.

Net Quantity - 100G


  • Exfoliates dead skin cells 
  • Softens cracked heels and removes calluses
  • Boosts blood circulation 
  • Removes tan and dirt

Skin Type

All Skin Types

Key Ingredients

Almond butter, Virgin coconut oil, Vitamin E oil, Spirulina, Granulated Sugar, Mint essential Oil.

How To Use


1) I have very rough and cracked feet. Can I use the scrub?
Yes, it can be used on all foot types. It helps in removing dead skin cells and makes it easy for the skin to absorb moisturizer.

2) I have calluses all around my feet. Is it safe to use the scrub?
Our foot scrub is safe and gentle on your feet. You can massage it for 5-7 minutes over your feet and wash it off.

3) Can I apply foot butter after using the scrub? 
Yes, you can use foot butter after using the scrub. To nourish and lock in the moisture, you need to apply it all over the feet, especially on cracked areas. 

4) Is it vegan?
At Deyga, all our products are plant-based! Since we love our fur babies!

5) Will it irritate my open cracks?
As this is a blend of natural ingredients, you can use it on open/dry cracks to remove dead skin cells and prevent the feet from drying further. Just take a patch test to find out if you are allergic to any natural ingredients in the foot 

6) Will it irritate my skin? 
Our Foot Scrub is made with a unique formulation, so it won't make the skin around the feet dry. 

7) I have very rough feet. How to make them soft?
Exfoliate your skin twice a week with our foot scrub and keep applying our foot butter whenever you can. 

8) Should I dilute the foot scrub? 
Our foot scrub is made with skin-cherishing oils and rejuvenating ingredients to remove dead skin cells and other dirt. You can directly massage it into your skin and wash it off after some time.  

9) I have dry scales on my feet. Will it help in reducing them? 
Yes, our foot scrub will help in exfoliating dead skin cells while hydrating the skin.

10) How often should I use it?
You can use our foot scrub once or twice a week for best results. 

11) Can I directly use foot scrub on my skin? 
Soak your feet in warm water. You can add our foot soak to the warm water as well. Gently scrub the feet for 5 minutes and wipe or wash the scrub off. Follow up with our foot butter for soft, crack-free feet.


  • Use the scrub all around the feet.
  • Follow it up with a moisturiser to hydrate the skin
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